
Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Nians memory about her mother.

I understand and respect this. I think everyone has issues with their parents in one water or another.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Working on the House

So as the kitchen flooring was updated, and the hole was repaired. I decided to paint the kitchen. 

I am not making much progress as I fell off of the first step off of the stepladder. So that put an end to my day. Even though i am not impressed with my progress, and wish to do more.

Everything is in the living room and i am wanting it all back together.  I want to be done, because I can envision what it will look like.

As for our adjusting to having a dog, that is going well. We have a routine for her. Much like a kid a puppy needs routine.  Here is a picture. she is playing with a toy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Brief Introduction,

My name is Suzanne Pearson; I am a 41 year old widow, who lives in a beautiful foothill community with my boyfriend James Davidson. I am in no hurry to be remarried, which my boyfriend likes to tease me about; I love to tease him about the fact that how we live now is as if we are married.
I am currently unemployed because this is the year of medical issues, and my former company no longer having the Wal-mart account (which was my primary function). Wal-mart has decided to expand their profit margin buy going direct to the farmer after assuring to the face of their current suppliers that they were not doing that.
However, as I have dealt with Wal-mart and studied them for about 7 years and their retail model I knew that they were lying. Nevertheless, you cannot call them on it, you just survive as long as you can and make the most money you can while planning your exit strategy. You make sure that you take better care of your other customers and know that there are larger companies that treat their suppliers better then Wal-mart.
I also have the education to back up many of my business and technology opinions. I have a MBA/IT degree from National American University, and a B.S. in Applied Management from National American University, in Rapid City, South Dakota.
I use to work in the hospitality field before returning to the Fresno CA area. I have lived in locations such as the Grand Canyon AZ, Keystone South Dakota (Three miles below Mt. Rushmore), and the Central Oregon Coast. All of them were special, beautiful, and hold dear memories for me. However all of those locations are a part of my past.
My past is what has made me what I am today and will continue to assist me to continue to develop as a person. I will continue to share my history, and different personal items in this section of the blog.

Sunday, a day with family and attending a crafting fair…

Today James and I meet with his brother Jason and Jacque his brother’s wife to attend a craft fair. The fair was at the Fresno fair grounds and was not that large but there were some great crafts, and awesome ideas. If we had more money I would have come home with some beautiful clay bird houses, a tower pedestal, and a few dragons for my garden. They were awesome.

Another item I saw I think I will do on my own I loved it. The project was in a booth that James cousin Bobby was working at with his family, and I hope that they did not come up with it because it is wonderful. I found a link at Lowes that makes me think that they did not come up with it; they just made it look great. Here is the link The Project is framed chalkboard, so it is decorative, and functional, which I love. You can use a magnetic primer to make it magnetic to, which I think the ones I saw were.

The other thing that the craft fair had that I was excited to show James but he was not too excited to see were examples of felting with different materials. The materials were Lama Wool, and silk being turned in to a scarf. It was a wonderful work of textile art, but still out of my price range. The woman at the booth appeared happy to talk to someone who knew a little about what she was selling, but I felt bad I could not afford the scarf. It was worth the money, but I just did not have it in my budget.

I got interested in learning more about felting after I read the article in Threads Magazine, here is the link . I love this publication it inspires me, gives me great ideas, reminds of my basics, and helps me with the advanced topics of sewing and fit.

The article was mind capturing to me because I was thinking Wow, what if I had enough of custom designed material, silk and lama, or cashmere, or some other natural fiber combo that would lend its self to this process? Then I would have an outfit that is all of my vision. Every part of it would be because of a choice I would make.

That is both an awesome thought you know having that much control over a project, and that is also scary because you have so much control. If the project goes horribly wrong it is your entire fault no one else is to blame.

Well I guess I should get back to the projects that I have to get done as I am going to be down a day this week, buy going to grandpa’s and getting laundry done. I love doing laundry at his house, because I get to spend time with him. I also cannot wait until I get the laundry hookup moved in to my house. James figured out something great to bring it inside of the house and give me some great cabinets.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturdays, and Hobbies…..

Ok, so it is Saturday and for once we are not running errands, because we did all of that yesterday. Yes I dragged James to Black Friday. He thought that he was going to get even with me by making me go with him to Game Stop, but that was a cake walk compared to Joann’s.

Joann’s was so crowded that when we got the number to get my material cut the number was 88b. That would normally be no big deal but they had just called number 98a. Therefore, James found the whole bolt of material that I was going to get 5 yards of, and the bolt was 8 yards. As the bolt was only three extra yards and a lovely Charcoal Grey fleece. I figured that our time was worth spending the extra three yards of cost, as the cost per yard was only 2.49. It was going to save time and aggravation.

As I said before, now I have more material to play with, and I more than likely have more ideas then I have material. However that often happens, I have less material, less time, and more projects then I can get done. I am beginning to think that, the mantra of the crafter is more time, more material…haha

So today after I got a look at the Christmas paper that I also got at Joann’s, and after getting the paper open that we bought on Thanksgiving Day at Michaels, and going through it, (that paper is great, I have plans for gifts for next year with it). I figured it was time to see about how the sewing projects that I was going to do for my Christmas present were going to work.
Therefore, I went ahead, cut out the project, and have it almost done. However, as it is a present I will not post it until after Christmas.

I will say as with most of my projects it would not work as I had first envisioned it due to how heavy it would have been ( I wanted to put ribbon around all of the edges), but it will still be pretty and easy to do with the correct equipment. Without the new sewing machine foot that I will be getting it will take longer. I am doing the first one without it. Just in case I do not get the foot in time, or the foot does not give me the affect I want.

The old fashioned basting and gathering affect can be controlled precisely because you are doing it buy hand. However, you have to ruffle it and then you have to sew it in place. With the ruffler-foot you do not have the same buy hand control but you have the ability to gather, and sew in one step. This is time saving, and awesome.

Jerry and Donna Cooley gave me a gift card for my birthday (thank you Donna and Jerry) that I am using for the new foot and I am excited about it, because without the gift card I would not have been able to afford it now. I have wanted a ruffler-foot for a while, but new feet cost money. This foot is going to cost 60 dollars plus tax. You know sewing is no longer a cheap hobby and a dying craft which is sad on both counts.

Well, it is time to get back to the crafting, then I need to clean the house some…Happy Saturday to everyone.

Oh James decided to take some pictures of out tree changing colors outside here is the best one I think.